We were the recipients of a $500,000.00 grant from Justice Canada where we completed three years of programming in maximum security youth facilities across Canada. It has often been commented that we are likely the largest group therapy programming in the history of Canada’s corrections system. During this project we also completed what is believed to be the world’s largest study on using Hiphop and traditional culture as therapeutic healing tools with incarcerated youth. Our evaluation study on this can be downloaded below.
We are also involved in a three-year project with a $500,000.00 grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation delivering healing week intensives and follow-up programming to marginalized youth in Ottawa. This has included working closely with the school boards, the alternative school system, Pathways to Education and the Youth Service Bureau. A three-year study on the impact of our programming is available below. Another 2 year project was recently completed with a grant from Heritage Canada working with incarcerated youth across Canada called “Community Heartbeat – Behind the walls”. See link below for a PDF download.
We take great pride in our evaluations and final reports creating in depth readable documents that we believe are very insightful into understanding the complexity of our work. We hope you take the time to look at them by clicking on the links below.
Final Blueprint evaluation report – Heritage 2018 – 2020
Blueprint Youth Justice Fund – final evaluation report 2014 – 2017